O Christmas Tree

Guess what we did this weekend?

Here’s a hint.

We bought a real tree in the morning. It was only after we got it home and into the front room that we realized it was a bit too large for the space.
They always look smaller at the tree lot. Why is that?

Then, we spent the entire afternoon decorating the tree and listening to Christmas music.

Do you recognize the tree skirt?
This is the first year we get to use it. It fits the tree perfectly.

It wasn’t just the tree in the front room we decorated, we also decorated the shed tree.

If you’re counting, that is 3 trees decorated with one more to go.

8 thoughts on “O Christmas Tree

  1. Wow so pretty, The trees look great. I only can get one up, although I saw someone spay paint a old one with gold, just sparingly. Then add gold ribbon and sprays and ornaments. That started me thinking I need another tree.

  2. Beautiful tree ~ and your tree skirt is magnificent underneath!

    Love that you are decorating outside too ~ I always think that is so nice for the neighbors :)

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