A X and O Washcloth

I was rooting through my WIP basket last week and found a half-finished washcloth. It was more than a quarter of the way completed. I had enough yarn to finish it. I could think of no reason to leave it sulking in UFO land.

Then, I started to knit on it and remembered quite clearly why it had ended up in the UFO basket in the first place.

Remind me to never double knit anything ever again. Ever.

Well, maybe not ever.

I might double knit again as long as the following rules were enacted: one yarn only (no switching between colors) and one side knit at a time (slip stitch technique rather than knit two sides at once technique).

I do love the way double knitting looks.

This is the back side of the washcloth. It has been knit in all reverse stocking stitch and plain stocking stitch. As you can see, there is no curling. It lays perfectly flat.

So, the dirty secret behind this washcloth is that is wasn’t supposed to be a washcloth at all. It was simply going to be my swatch for a X and O baby blanket. Unless the blanket knits itself, it will never be. I’m exhausted just trying to complete the “washcloth”.

Here’s a pic of the front side and the reason it’s titled X and O.

9 thoughts on “A X and O Washcloth

  1. I took a double knitting class and promptly put it all behind me. Congratulations on getting this far!

  2. I love it. I love the colors you used. I have knit a couple of washcloths in chennile (sp?) but recently have been thinking about making a pretty washcloth – like yours!

  3. Looks really nice, I just got a pattern for a double knit baby blanket. I will toss it now instead of adding it to my mound of “stuff”.
    Thanks decluttering one piece at a time

  4. Your “washcloth” looks lovely so far. I’ve never tried double-knitting, I agree that it looks great but I wonder if I’d have the patience. Maybe someday!

  5. Looks great! I tried double knitting once, and let’s just say that it was a wee bit beyond my abilities (and by that I mean that I probably couldn’t master the technique if Debbie Bliss’s hands were transplanted onto my body). I don’t think I even bothered to unravel the yarn, I just chucked out the whole mess.

  6. double knitting sounds about as fun as poking my eye with a knitting needle. What about knitting (single) the blankie and then putting felt on the back.

    Or is it in the “no longer inspires” pile?

    Love the colors!

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