XandO question mark

Thank you to everyone who wished me good health! I managed to escape the worst of it. It took me a few days to get rid of the sore throat and the weak feeling, but I am grateful that it wasn’t any worse.

During my time away from Blogland, I got a bunch accomplished. The XandO thingamabob is finished. I have almost completed a doll quilt, cheater style. And I cooked … a lot. I am a firm believer that good, hearty food always cures what ails ya. So, I made a beef stew, pork with sauerkraut, danish rolls for breakfast, and butter cookies for snacking. Sorry, but I have no pictures of the quilt (since it’s not finished) or the food. I never remember to take pictures of the food. By the time I am ready to serve it up, I’ve spent hours in the kitchen and all I want to do is go sit down and enjoy my hard work.

So, I’ll just show off my XandO thingy.

I’m not sure what to call it anymore. It’s too big to be a dishcloth or a washcloth. It’s too small to be a blanket. It might be perfect as a burp cloth or a baby stroller lovey. Despite my naming problems, I am still working to type up the pattern. By the end of it, I had gotten into a rhythm. I actually enjoyed knitting the last 8 rows, so long as I didn’t have to knit another one until the next blue moon came around.