Easter Dinner

I hope you had a Happy Easter!

We had family and friends over yesterday. Both my SIL and BIL came over. My dear friends also brought their son Finn, our godson. We had a simple dinner followed by egg dyeing.

Have I mentioned how much I love my oven lately? It’s the best oven in the world! While my ham was cooking in the big oven, I had my lemon poppy cake baking away in the mini oven at a different temperature. It saved me so much time.

I truly had a wonderful time cooking the dinner up. I was in my element, singing (poorly) along to my CD’s. Dan checked in on me and shook his head in bewilderment.

Of course, the mess all my cooking made didn’t leave me quite as joyful. All I could think of after everybody left was a quote from an unknown woman. “If a woman was to see all the dishes that she had to wash before she died piled up before her in one pile, she’d lie down and die right then and there.”

I should mention that I had already washed and put away the preparation dishes. Plus, the dishwasher had been loaded and ran once.

Rather than face it right away, I hid in my sewing room. Certain I couldn’t handle any large and detailed projects, I opted to hem Dan’s work pants.

It did the trick. It pepped me up enough that I was able to face the mountain of dishes. Dan had thought I would tackle them Monday morning, but there is one thing I hate more than a dirty kitchen and that is being faced with a dirty kitchen first thing in the morning. I’d rather have a root canal.